Payment Buttons

CryptoCloud branded payment buttons are designed to facilitate the purchase or donation process directly, emphasizing the simplicity and security of cryptocurrency transactions.

CryptoCloud branded buttons facilitate instant and intuitive payments or donations from your customers.

Buttons for payment

Use the button options below on your website to highlight an available cryptocurrency payment method. After clicking on the button, the user will be redirected to the created invoice page to make the payment.

You can see all the options of payment buttons in different colors by downloading the archive below. The files are available in SVG and PNG formats.

Copy and paste the snippet below into your HTML code to add this image to your website. Example:

<input type="image" src="" alt="Pay with CryptoCloud" width="250px" />

<input type="image" src="" alt="Pay with CryptoCloud" width="250px" />

You can manually change the file name in the link and the format (SVG, PNG) to select the appropriate option. You can also customize the width to match other elements on your page.

File names
  • cc-payith-button-colour-v1 — colored button Pay with Crypto (V1)

  • cc-paywith-button-white-v1 — white button Pay with Crypto (V1)

  • cc-paywith-button-black-v1 — dark gray button Pay with Crypto (V1)

  • cc-paywith-button-colour-v2 — colored button Pay with Crypto (V2)

  • cc-paywith-button-white-v2 — white button Pay with Crypto (V2)

  • cc-paywith-button-black-v2 — dark gray button Pay with Crypto (V2)

  • cc-paywithcurrency-button-colour — colored button Pay with Cryptocurrency

  • cc-paywithcurrency-button-white — white button Pay with Cryptocurrency

  • cc-paywithcurrency-button-black — dark gray button Pay with Cryptocurrency

  • cc-paywithcc-button-colour — colored button Pay with CryptoCloud

  • cc-paywithcc-button-white — white button Pay with CryptoCloud

  • cc-paywithcc-button-black — dark gray button Pay with CryptoCloud

Buttons for donations

The options below are perfect for charities and other users who need to accept donations.

You can see all the options of payment buttons in different colors by downloading the archive below. The files are available in SVG and PNG formats.

Copy and paste the snippet below into your HTML code to add this image to your website. Example:

<input type="image" src="сс-donateсurrency-button-colour.svg" alt="Pay with CryptoCloud" width="250px" />

<input type="image" src="" alt="Pay with CryptoCloud" width="250px" />

You can manually change the file name in the link and the format (SVG, PNG) to select the appropriate option. You can also customize the width to match other elements on your page.

File names
  • cc-donatesurrency-button-colour — colored button Donate Cryptocurrency

  • cc-donatesurrepsu-button-white — white button Donate Cryptocurrency

  • cc-donatewith-button-black — dark gray button Donate Cryptocurrency

  • cc-donatewith-button-colour — colored button Donate with CryptoCloud

  • cc-donatewith-button-white — white button Donate with CryptoCloud

  • cc-donatewith-button-black — dark gray button Donate with CryptoCloud

  • cc-donatecrypto-button-colour-v1 — colored button Donate crypto (V1)

  • cc-donatecrypto-button-white-v1 — white button Donate crypto (V1)

  • cc-donatecrypto-button-black-v1 — dark gray button Donate crypto (V1)

  • cc-donatecrypto-button-colour-v2 — colored button Donate crypto (V2)

  • cc-donatecrypto-button-white-v2 — white button Donate crypto (V2)

  • cc-donatecrypto-button-black-v2 — dark gray button Donate crypto (V2)

You can see all the options of payment buttons in different colors by downloading the archive below. The files are available in SVG and PNG formats.

Copy and paste the snippet below into your HTML code to add this image to your website. Example:

<input type="image" src="сс-donateсurrency-button-colour.svg" alt="Pay with CryptoCloud" width="250px" />

<input type="image" src="" alt="Pay with CryptoCloud" width="250px" />

You can manually change the file name in the link and the format (SVG, PNG) to select the appropriate option. You can also customize the width to match other elements on your page.

File names
  • cc-donate-button-colour - colored button Donate button

  • cc-donate-button-white - white button Donate

  • cc-donate-button-black - dark gray button Donate

  • cc-donatemark-button-colour - colored button Donate with

  • cc-donatemark-button-white - white button Donate with

  • cc-donatemark-button-black - dark gray button Donate with

Examples of use

Below are some options for how you can use the payment button options.


On the plans page, CryptoCloud branded buttons can be placed below each list of services or packages, allowing customers to immediately select and pay for the preferred plan with cryptocurrency. The buttons should be prominent but not interfere with the comparison of different tariffs.

Order confirmation page

At this point, the CryptoCloud branded button can be placed in the payment methods selection area, clearly showing the user the option to pay via CryptoCloud along with other available options.

Donations acceptance

Branded donation buttons can be used on dedicated fundraising pages, blogs, articles, and the homepage. They should provide easy and quick payment, support the ability to select a donation amount, and clearly inform donors that their contribution can be made in cryptocurrency through CryptoCloud.

Use principles:

  • Buttons should be used in their original form, conforming to CryptoCloud's brand standards and color scheme.

  • Do not develop your own alternatives or variations of these buttons to avoid confusion and brand inconsistency.

  • Branded buttons should be placed in prominent but not aggressive positions on the website, providing a comfortable user experience.

Placement recommendations:

  • Ensure that CryptoCloud payment and donation buttons are placed next to other payment methods, making it easy for the user to choose their preferred method.

  • Buttons should be clearly visible and easily accessible on all devices, adapting to screen sizes and device types.

  • If buttons are used to collect donations, clearly label the donation amounts or allow users to choose it.

Last updated