Color Palette

Below are the colors that form the basis of CryptoCloud's visual brand identity and should be used in accordance with the brand guide to maintain consistency and recognition.

  • Light purple: F7F6FD. This shade of purple color is used for light backgrounds.

  • Orange: #FFAD4D. This accent color is used to draw attention to important elements such as action buttons, logo highlights, and supporting graphics.

  • Purple: #6763F7. Used as the dominant color in the brand palette, symbolizing reliability and technology. It is used in the logo, icons, and as a background color in various brand materials.

  • Linear gradient: from #6864F9 to #493FC5. It adds dynamism and depth to visual brand elements, including web elements and banner ads.

  • Dark Blue: #01003C. It is used for additional contrast and depth, and can be utilized as a background or to emphasize important elements.

  • Black: #3C3C3C3C. This shade of black is used for text and as the primary color for monochrome versions of the logo, as well as to provide contrast on light backgrounds.

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